Friday 30 May 2014

Solar Acrobatics and Other Challenges

Apologies for the recent interruption to service, I’ve been experiencing some health problems and am currently undergoing repairs...
However, I was well enough to attend a presentation on Medjugorje in the Sacred Heart Church Parish Rooms, earlier this week.

I’ve been fascinated by the allegedly-supernatural events in Medjugorje since I became aware of them in the mid-1980s.
However, my interest has been tempered over the years through meeting some Medjugorje devotees who seem to have mislaid their sense of humour and their ability to handle the mildest challenge to their beliefs.

And – for me at least - Medjugorje isn’t an open and shut case, there are sufficient concerns to raise doubts in an enquirer’s mind. These concerns will presumably be investigated by the Vatican Commission, and I await their conclusions with interest.  
Nevertheless, there is one particular aspect of the Medjugorje experience that both impresses and challenges; the extent to which nature seems to cooperate with the Gospa; the sun dances, people are healed, metals mutate and the atmosphere is charged with the divine...and still it happens, in the year 2014, as it has been happening for more than 30 years now. Two people in the Parish Room testified to their own recent supernatural experiences.

A trusted friend who visited 18 months ago did not experience any solar acrobatics and she mentioned that a local priest told her that he had seen nothing himself but he thought that people only experienced such phenomena if  it was needed to boost their faith. For the record, my friend was inspired by the spiritual climate and the people, locals and pilgrims, and returned enthusiastic about the experience and spiritually renewed.    
I don’t think you can appreciate the Medjugorje effect through the mass media or even though person-to-person maybe it’s time to go on pilgrimage.  

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