Thursday 17 December 2015

Hong Kong has Gone to the Dogs

When I first came to Hong Kong about 30 years ago, many things were different. For one thing, pet dogs were rare. People focused on working hard, bringing up children, looking after grandchildren, saving money for a bigger home and, if they had any spare time and money, and wanted a pet, they bought a fish or a bird.

Pet fish and pet birds have a long pedigree in Hong Kong. There is a Bird Market and a Goldfish Market where you can take your time and select the sort of pet that will fill your days with pleasure and make little demand on you.

...but, now, Hong Kong folk are buying dogs as pets.

Go out and you will see ladies with a Chihuahawa or a Skye terrier in tow – or even two of three of them. Sometimes the dogs are straining on leases, sometimes they are carried. Then there is the energetic young man or lady with one or two or even three large dogs, boxers, Labrador retrievers or Alsatians, all straining on a leash.

What is happening?

It gets worse.

A couple of times I saw women pushing what looked like prams or buggies and when I got closer I saw that the passenger was – a dog!

You don't believe me? Look.
They even have pet shops that sell carriages.

Hong Kong has definitely gone to the dogs.

But it is still a wonderful, beautiful, crazy place.

..and, by the way, a Very Happy Christmas to you!  and if you are shopping in Central, Hong Kong, why not pop into the Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel in the Catholic Centre (17th floor) to say thanks?

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